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Kristian Espinoza, Eleanor Froula, Austin Glennon, Aimy Petry, Lyla Zedell
Picture Perfect
Our device efficiently immobilizes patient arms in various positions during CBCT procedures.
Our device efficiently immobilizes patient arms in various positions during CBCT procedures.
Project Description:
The C-Arm Sling will hold a patient’s arms immobile while they are sitting for a C-Arm Cone Beam CT scan. This is a specific machine used in preparation for interventional radiology procedures, where a large X-Ray device spins around a patient’s body. While the patient is lying on the table, their limbs must remain still, out of the way of the spin of the machine, and out of the way of the procedure itself. That last part requires that the arms can be immobilized in various positions, which our device allows. Specifically, the C-Arm Sling can hold both or one arm above the patient’s head. The device was meticulously designed to avoid any potential damage to the ulnar or brachial plexus nerves – two issues commonly seen in interventional radiology procedures like these.
Additionally, the C-Arm Sling has an attached capsule that can hold any tubing attached to the patient (i.e. IV’s and catheters). This attachment has never been used before, as the tubes are currently being taped together, to the patient, or to the table itself.
No current devices on the market can position patient arms in various positions while streamlining tubing away from both the spin of the machine and the procedure itself. The C-Arm Sling allows for users to efficiently prepare their patients for C-Arm Cone Beam CT scans. That way, while the scan is being conducted, users will not have to worry about repositioning, nor potential nerve damage.