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EchoStrap Guides Echocardiography Procedures When There is Limited Accessibility to Trained Professionals.
Project Description:
An echocardiogram is a method commonly used by cardiologists to monitor diseases in the heart. A sonographer places gel on a transducer and then places the transducer on the chest of the patient which then emits and receives sound waves that bounce off the heart to produce an image. Typically the sonographer attempts to obtain five standard views which the cardiologist then uses to diagnose or measure the progression of cardiac diseases. However, in rural places, getting an echocardiogram reading can be hard due to the lack of trained professionals living there. Currently, there is no current solution to this problem, and patients are struggling to get proper readings in these areas, which can be detrimental in life-threatening situations. Thus, we created the Echostrap, a device that takes ultrasounds of the heart without the use of a trained sonographer. By donning the strap around the chest and the ultrasound probe is placed in the chest ring, a patient can perform the echocardiogram under little to no guidance. This device is revolutionary in changing the way echocardiograms are done; by not needing a sonographer, this device can penetrate the market of hospitals in rural areas by changing the way traditional echocardiography is done.