Medical line-retaining arm brace to minimize need for restraints on delirious patients
Resources for Biomedical Engineering Device Design
Medical line-retaining arm brace to minimize need for restraints on delirious patients
Therefore, we have designed an arm brace that prevents interference and prevents necessity of restraints. The S-shaped design allows force exerted by the patient to be distributed across the device, thereby minimizing probability of device failure. Using a magnetic clasping mechanism, the device can be removed with two hands easily by staff, but the patient is unable to remove it themselves. Compared to devices that currently exist, our design is able to be placed anywhere on the arm.
We tested some critical design inputs to ensure the functionality of the device. To simulate a patient pulling at their line, we tested if the line could withstand 5 pounds of force without being displaced more than 1 centimeter. We also made sure that it was able to withstand the pressure that could be exerted by patients without structural compromise.
Moving forward, we plan on testing our design clinically, ensuring reusability, and reducing production costs. We envision that hospitals will take advantage of having a design like ours to make lives easier for healthcare workers, decrease costs, but most importantly, allow patients to be free of restraints.