With its patient-centric design, the uDrain makes drain care simple for all patients. By using a peristaltic pump motion in a clockwise and counterclockwise manner, the device is able to consistently clear out heavily viscous, worst-case scenario wound exudate through the entire length of the drain tubing. This includes the part of the drain internal to the patient’s body, which no other device on the market is able to do. By consistently removing clogs, we are able to support clinical indications of appropriate drain removal time and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
Project Description:
Surgical drains are difficult for the patient to maintain post-op, and device failure may result from poor upkeep, causing sepsis and repeated medical interventions. uDrain presents a novel device to help increase drain care compliance and improve patient outcomes by inducing peristaltic motion of rollers that act on the drain tube. The device may be placed anywhere along the tube to manipulate the whole fluid column. The uDrain differentiates itself from competitors by acting more quickly, removing clogs from the internal drain tubing, and prioritizing patient comfort.

Sanjay, Bagaria, M.D.
Surgical Oncologist
The Mayo Clinic
Bejamin, Wilke, M.D.
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
The Mayo Clinic
Matthew, Thomas, M.D.
Director of Thoracic Surgery
The Mayo Clinic