H.14 Design an pouch for Ostomy re-feeds.
Problem Description
Over the last year many of our babies in the Neonatal ICU at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta have been started on Mucus Fistula re-feeds after ostomy surgery. Our current practice is to cut a hole into the neonate’s ostomy bag and feed a catheter into the mucus fistula through the hole. This practice is less than optimal and many times the NICU nurse must change the bag and the baby’s bed linens several times a shift. The ostomy bag was never designed to be cut to accommodate the refeed catheter. This also puts the baby at risk for a blood stream infection. We felt this would be a great project for Ga Tech Bio Med students. We would tour the students and have them observe the re-feed process. I have had students in the past so I would love to have them back in our unit for our newest problem.