Capstone Design
A Strategic Future
Engineering Biomedical Solutions for the Next Generation

Medical Impact
33+ National Awards Won
140+ Patents Filed
25+ Start-ups Created

Clinical Relations
Our Students Conduct >30 Interviews and are Badged for Clinical Access to Emory Hospitals

Global Outreach
Partnering with Hospitals in Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia were implementing clinical solutions across the globe
Design Pillars
Voice of the Customer
This portion of the process determines what the true unmet clinical need is through interviews, research, and observation.
User Needs and Design Inputs
Here we define design inputs from voice of the customer into quantifiable metrics and design constraints.
Market Assessment
This quantifies the market opportunity and potential impact of the design.
Great solutions typically are not obvious. Here we ideate 80+ solutions that fulfill the design inputs, utilizing divergent thinking to create original solutions then convergent thinking to identify a concept that meets the unmet clinical needs.
Verification and Validation
After choosing one solution from ideation, we prototype this idea and ensure it fulfills our design inputs and user needs through testing.
Intellectual Property
Prior art analysis and evaluate the patentability and freedom to operate of our design.
About Us
BME Capstone at Georgia Tech provides an opportunity for biomedical engineering seniors to experience product development in the medical device industry. Students internalize all aspects of the design and development process from ideation to commercialization working towards functional prototypes that address the users’ needs.
Our Collaborations

The majority of our projects are clinician sponsored, allowing engineering students to address medical problems with medical insight.

Industry sponsors have enabled our students to create medical devices and consumer products, such as medical gowns with enhanced safety features.

Emerging Technology
Student designs are on the forefront of technology, incorporating machine learning, and cutting edge design elements.

Medical Devices
Students have created medical devices that span biological systems from respiratory to perinatal care.
“Capstone is one of the most helpful and relevant courses I took at Tech .”
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313 Ferst Drive, Suite 3113 Atlanta, GA 30332